Just wanted to point out a new blog that I've added. It's my 101 things to do in 1001 days. It's my version of a New Year's Resolution.
Can you believe it's been 10 years since all that Y2K hysteria??? LOL
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It's a Christmas Miracle
Three days late.
Yesterday, Little Sister took a nap...by herself...in her bed...for over 2 hours.
Yesterday, Little Sister took a nap...by herself...in her bed...for over 2 hours.
We're still singing Christmas songs...
Mini Me is still wishing me a Happy Birthday (my birthday was almost 4 months ago), so it seems perfectly normal that we will be singing Christmas songs until the Fourth of July.
Here are some pics & video from Christmas. Sorry for the blurry pics, my attention was more on the action than the photography.
Here are some pics & video from Christmas. Sorry for the blurry pics, my attention was more on the action than the photography.
Santa and his reindeer ate the cookies & milk we left. Oh, and carrots too.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Back to Belly
Little Sister rolled from her back to her belly for the first time. Uh oh! We're in trouble now!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Merry Christmas everybody! Hope Santa brings you everything you wished for and more.
Track Santa's journey here
Merry Christmas everybody! Hope Santa brings you everything you wished for and more.
Track Santa's journey here
Saturday, December 19, 2009
knock knock
We have entered the world of knock knock jokes. Well, a 3 year olds version, anyway...
My favorite from yesterday:
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Tomato who?
A tomato is something you eat
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Grocery store
Grocery store who?
A place to buy food
These make no sense, but I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. She tries so hard....
My favorite from yesterday:
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Tomato who?
A tomato is something you eat
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Grocery store
Grocery store who?
A place to buy food
These make no sense, but I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. She tries so hard....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Visit with Santa: Part 2
After last weeks attempt, my new strategy was to be there early, so that we were near the front of the line. But, that also meant that I would be taking the girls by myself.
Not a big deal as I routinely take them places alone.
So, we get ready. I dress the girls in their coordinating Christmas-y clothes and we head out. We make a quick stop at the mall to pick up an ornament. That's when I noticed Mini Me standing funny. I paid for the ornament and as we started to walk away, I checked Mini Me's pants. Sure enough, they were wet. Her first accident. And, really weird since earlier that day, we had been at Target and she told me she had to go and was fine.
OK. So, we ran home, I fed Little Sister, got Mini Me cleaned up and put her in jeans since I could also change LS into jeans with their Christmas-y tops and they'd still match and be festive. I asked Mini Me AGAIN if she had to pee, then we left.
We got to the store and I asked Mini Me again if she had to pee. No.
We get in line. We were 5th in line. 2 minutes before Santa arrives and no more than 2 minutes after the last time I ask her about going pee, I again notice Mini Me standing still. Are you kidding me???? Yup, she had wet her pants AGAIN! 2 accidents in 2 hours. And, this from a kid who almost never has accidents (unless its attention seeking while she's in time out...but that's a whole other post).
So, I took her to the bathroom and the ONLY dry bottoms were a pair of pink leggings we had in the bag from her tumbling class. They looked ridiculous with her red & white top. So, I put her jacket back on her. Of course, Little Sister was screaming the whole time we were in the bathroom because she HATES her infant seat...
By the time we got back to Santa, the line was long. We waited and finally got a picture. So, yes, there is a reason that one kid is dressed and the other isn't. I thought about taking them back again to get a better picture, but I don't think I will. Something tells me that this year, we just aren't meant to have a good picture. But, hey...at least neither kid is screaming and it was free. Gotta love Bass Pro Shops!
Here it is:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
So, a few weeks ago, we took the girls to our town's tree lighting event. It was cute. But, it caused a little confusion for Mini Me.
See, Santa arrived on a fire truck. And, Mini Me's Uncle D is a firefighter.
So, in perfect (almost) 3 year old logic: Uncle D is Santa.
We'll leave chocolate chip cookies & milk for you Uncle D.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
We're weren't the only crazy ones...
Yesterday was by far, the coldest day we've had around here in many months. The wind was pretty strong, which added to the artic chill.
But, we had planned a few weeks ago to take Mini Me to an outdoor activity last night because we knew that hubby would have the day off and we'd be able to get there when the place opened and be out of there before it got too crowded (Mini Me isn't one for waiting in lines).
Well, we were a little behind schedule, but we just beat the rush. The place was kinda neat, tons of light displays and stuff. The biggest draw for Mini Me was the train ride. And, at least it was out of the wind and semi-warm. I'm really glad we decided to get on the train when we did because by the time we got off, the line had gotten really long. And, the place was starting to get busy.
Did I mention that it was freezing last night. Like, in the 20's???? It was a bit cold, but we were bundled up and were able to duck inside every little while. At least we weren't the only crazy ones...
While inside, there was an author of a children's book there selling his book and having the star of his book "pawtograph" the book. Mini Me loved the moose so much, that we bought the book. It was a feel good purchase since the guy wasn't a mass producer of literature. I think he was just a grandpa who wrote a book for his grandkids and self published it.
We also saw Santa, who wasn't really a big hit. Overall, it was a successful night. The girls even went to bed without a problem, even after sleeping in the car on the way home. Here are some pics:

But, we had planned a few weeks ago to take Mini Me to an outdoor activity last night because we knew that hubby would have the day off and we'd be able to get there when the place opened and be out of there before it got too crowded (Mini Me isn't one for waiting in lines).
Well, we were a little behind schedule, but we just beat the rush. The place was kinda neat, tons of light displays and stuff. The biggest draw for Mini Me was the train ride. And, at least it was out of the wind and semi-warm. I'm really glad we decided to get on the train when we did because by the time we got off, the line had gotten really long. And, the place was starting to get busy.
Did I mention that it was freezing last night. Like, in the 20's???? It was a bit cold, but we were bundled up and were able to duck inside every little while. At least we weren't the only crazy ones...
While inside, there was an author of a children's book there selling his book and having the star of his book "pawtograph" the book. Mini Me loved the moose so much, that we bought the book. It was a feel good purchase since the guy wasn't a mass producer of literature. I think he was just a grandpa who wrote a book for his grandkids and self published it.
We also saw Santa, who wasn't really a big hit. Overall, it was a successful night. The girls even went to bed without a problem, even after sleeping in the car on the way home. Here are some pics:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Much to my husbands dismay, we put up the Christmas tree last week. Here's a pictorial account of how it went down.
While I was hiking through the forest to select and cut down the perfect tree pulling our artificial tree out of the box, Mini Me was supposed to be watching Snow White. I don't think she did.
Every 2.5 seconds I heard, "Is it ready yet?"
"Is it ready yet?"
"Is it ready yet?"
"Is it ready yet?"
"Is it ready yet?"
Are you tired of this yet? Because I could keep going. God knows she did.
After wanting to stuff my ears full of prickly fake pine needles for half an hour, the tree looked something like this:
It is a pre-lit tree, you know-just like in nature. So, I plugged that bad boy in and it looked something like:
Hmmm. So, I re-checked all the segments. Unplugged and re-plugged all the segments in still listening to "Is it ready yet?" And, it looked like this:
So, I dug through the boxes and found several strings of lights, and then it looked more like:
Finally, I was able to tell Mini Me that it was ready and gave her ornaments to decorate the tree.
What did she do? Throw a fit about not wanting to decorate the f'ing tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I kid you not.
So, after almost an hour of begging me to decorate the tree, it took another half an hour to bribe convince her to do it:
(Excuse the crazy outfit, she's still having a hard time pulling her jeans down by herself, so at home, we live in pj bottoms and sweatpants so she can go potty by herself)
And, the final outcome:
This is how I spend most of my day...
Monday, December 7, 2009
They Might Be Giants, but not really
In an attempt to find music that is both appropriate for a preschooler, yet not mind-numbing for me, I introduced Mini Me to They Might Be Giants. We've been listening to them for several months now and when I heard that they were going to be playing and having a signing at our local bookstore, I knew I had to take Mini Me.
We got there half an hour early and the store was already packed with parents and kids. There were also several, um other people. You know Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons? Yup, he was there. Several of "them" actually. It was quite an interesting crowd.
When they came out, Mini me was excited, but seemed a bit disappointed. I guess I failed to mention to her that they were, in fact, not REAL giants. LOL whoops!
Anyway, she had a great time dancing with her friends and was very happy. It was a good time all around. There is actually a really funny picture of Mini Me lifting her shirt up-she didn't learn that from me, I swear! I'm innocent! Incredibly funny (she'd gonna be a TMBG groupie, ha ha ha) but I didn't really feel it was appropriate to post here. Here are some other pics:
Visit with Santa: Part 1
We are planning to take Mini Me to see Santa in a couple of days. I've been avoiding the malls because really, there's no need to see Santa before Thanksgiving.
So, after Santa "arrived" at the end of the Thanksgiving Day Parade, I figured it was safe. I needed to run to the mall to pick up a couple of things, but had no intention of actually going to see Santa.
Just my luck, Santa was stationed right outside the 2 stores I needed to go into.
However, Mini Me would have none of it. She stopped in her tracks, and only would walk past with prompting. When I asked her if she wanted to go see Santa, she said, "That's not the real one!"
What could I possibly say to that? LOL
So, after Santa "arrived" at the end of the Thanksgiving Day Parade, I figured it was safe. I needed to run to the mall to pick up a couple of things, but had no intention of actually going to see Santa.
Just my luck, Santa was stationed right outside the 2 stores I needed to go into.
However, Mini Me would have none of it. She stopped in her tracks, and only would walk past with prompting. When I asked her if she wanted to go see Santa, she said, "That's not the real one!"
What could I possibly say to that? LOL
Candy House: Year 2
This was the start of our annual tradition.
Note to self: Next year, take the time to follow the directions. See, I did read the directions. It instructed me to trim the pieces so that they would fit together properly. I promptly ignored those directions, because a.) I needed to get it assembled ASAP because I had a kid who was desperate to decorate the candy house and b.) I knew it wasn't going to be a masterpiece anyway.
Um, yeah. It was a pain in the @$$ to assemble and I can never get the frosting/glue to be the right consistency. Why didn't I pick an easier, less frustrating tradition?!?!??!
I was hoping that each year, we'd get better at it. You be the judge:
So many posts, so little time
I have a million posts in my head, waiting to be written. And just as many pictures to post.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Neighbor Update
Sadly, we just found out that our neighbor did indeed pass away on Saturday.
In his memory, I've added a new charity to the list.
In his memory, I've added a new charity to the list.
Monday, November 30, 2009
New Doctor = FAIL
I think I've said a few times that I love our pediatricians office. Yet, here I am again with another RANT about them. (I'd just like to note that none of my complaints have involved our regular pedi-she's out on maternity leave right now, and I CAN.NOT.WAIT for her to be back.)
A few weeks ago at one of Little Sister's checks, she got a second dose of the hep b vaccine. I didn't ask for it, but the NP we saw suggested that since she was old enough, she could have it so that at her 2 month visit, she wouldn't have as many all at the same time. OK, sounded fine to me.
Fast forward to this morning at Little Sister's 2 month check-up. As is the case a lot these days-the earlier dose of the vaccine completely slipped my mind. The doctor was jabbing my little screaming baby with needles as I tried to keep tabs on my older child lest she reek havoc in the office. It wasn't until several hours later that the memory of last months shot struck me.
In a mild panic, I called the pedi's office. The nurse who called me back looked up her records and confirmed that yes, she had mistakenly received a dose of the vax today. She assured me that the CDC maintains that an extra dose is safe as up until recently most babies got 4 doses because of a combination vaccine that was being used. Also, she assured me that they would look into how their system failed to catch this and she would have the doctor call me.
Um...that's where I have a problem. If you screw up, just say you screwed up. (Yes, I know they probably can't say that...malpractice and all) But, it makes me mad that the doctors don't follow the same protocols. I know that there are various opinions out there on vaccinations, just like everything else. But, if you all work together like that, at least be aware of that and follow the schedule of the child's primary pediatrician...or at least notice it and ask the parent if they have a preference.
Now, I am not in the anti-vaccination camp, so while I was mildly concerned that she had received 3 doses of a vax in only 2 months I'm more upset at the system (or lack thereof) to prevent similar or more dangerous errors. That being said, I will never let them vaccinate or prescribe medication without making them double check that it's right.
Other than that fiasco, the appointment was fine. Dr. said she looked great and was happy that she was rolling over.
At 2 months, Little Sister is 9 pounds 15 oz (25th percentile) and 23 inches (75th percentile).
A few weeks ago at one of Little Sister's checks, she got a second dose of the hep b vaccine. I didn't ask for it, but the NP we saw suggested that since she was old enough, she could have it so that at her 2 month visit, she wouldn't have as many all at the same time. OK, sounded fine to me.
Fast forward to this morning at Little Sister's 2 month check-up. As is the case a lot these days-the earlier dose of the vaccine completely slipped my mind. The doctor was jabbing my little screaming baby with needles as I tried to keep tabs on my older child lest she reek havoc in the office. It wasn't until several hours later that the memory of last months shot struck me.
In a mild panic, I called the pedi's office. The nurse who called me back looked up her records and confirmed that yes, she had mistakenly received a dose of the vax today. She assured me that the CDC maintains that an extra dose is safe as up until recently most babies got 4 doses because of a combination vaccine that was being used. Also, she assured me that they would look into how their system failed to catch this and she would have the doctor call me.
My first thought is: Well, if it's safe to give 4 doses, why the switch to 3? Surely there had to be a reason why 4 aren't given anymore...
A little while later, I received a call from the doctor. While she again assured me that it was safe and posed no harm to the baby, I couldn't help but think how much they sounded like they were covering their own asses. She went on and on about how even if she had noticed it, she would have recommended proceeding with the extra dose to stay on schedule and that it was just a matter of a different style.
Um...that's where I have a problem. If you screw up, just say you screwed up. (Yes, I know they probably can't say that...malpractice and all) But, it makes me mad that the doctors don't follow the same protocols. I know that there are various opinions out there on vaccinations, just like everything else. But, if you all work together like that, at least be aware of that and follow the schedule of the child's primary pediatrician...or at least notice it and ask the parent if they have a preference.
Now, I am not in the anti-vaccination camp, so while I was mildly concerned that she had received 3 doses of a vax in only 2 months I'm more upset at the system (or lack thereof) to prevent similar or more dangerous errors. That being said, I will never let them vaccinate or prescribe medication without making them double check that it's right.
Other than that fiasco, the appointment was fine. Dr. said she looked great and was happy that she was rolling over.
At 2 months, Little Sister is 9 pounds 15 oz (25th percentile) and 23 inches (75th percentile).
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sad news
Remember this guy? Well, now I feel kind of bad about that post.
Yesterday, our neighbor was rushed to the hospital with no pulse or respiration. We haven't heard an update, but it didn't look good.
We have no idea what happened, but our thoughts & prayers are with his wife and 2 sons.
Yet another reminder to be thankful....
Yesterday, our neighbor was rushed to the hospital with no pulse or respiration. We haven't heard an update, but it didn't look good.
We have no idea what happened, but our thoughts & prayers are with his wife and 2 sons.
Yet another reminder to be thankful....
The reason stores NEED to be open on Thanksgiving Day..
In recent years, stores have started to open on Thanksgiving day. I've always thought that was crazy. Can't we live without Target/Walmart/Kmart for 1 freakin' day?!?!
Well, at least until Thanksgiving Day rolled around and hubby and I packed our 2 kids in the car headed to my parents. About an hour into the trip, I pulled out my pump only to realize I had forgotten half of the parts. CRAP!!!
Now, if it was just a matter of feeding the baby, I would have given her formula. And, that we could have easily found. But, finding all the parts I needed? Well, that wasn't going to be so easy. So, after a few frantic phone calls, we decided the only thing to do was to turn around and go home to get it. I was not going to risk tanking my supply.
I was in tears looking at the traffic that had started to build and thinking of an extra 3 hours in the car. But, everything worked out and looking back, it wasn't a big deal. Except that now, I firmly believe that stores should never close...
Well, at least until Thanksgiving Day rolled around and hubby and I packed our 2 kids in the car headed to my parents. About an hour into the trip, I pulled out my pump only to realize I had forgotten half of the parts. CRAP!!!
Now, if it was just a matter of feeding the baby, I would have given her formula. And, that we could have easily found. But, finding all the parts I needed? Well, that wasn't going to be so easy. So, after a few frantic phone calls, we decided the only thing to do was to turn around and go home to get it. I was not going to risk tanking my supply.
I was in tears looking at the traffic that had started to build and thinking of an extra 3 hours in the car. But, everything worked out and looking back, it wasn't a big deal. Except that now, I firmly believe that stores should never close...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Today I am thankful for...
Today I am thankful for my wonderful husband and 2 amazing children. I am thankful that while we are not rich, and money is tight, I am able to be a stay at home mom. I am thankful that we have the opportunity to raise 2 beautiful girls to be compassionate, loving human beings.
This holiday season, please remember its not the material things that matter. This year, with so many people struggling, be thankful for what you have and give what you can to those who don't.
We are teaching Mini Me the importance of the holiday season by having her pick a couple of her Christmas presents to donate to Toys for Tots. There are many ways to help the cause besides giving toys, so please check out their website.
I'll be posting a list of some of our favorite charities on the right. Hopefully, someone who reads this will be inspired to at least visit the site and consider contributing, be it an item, money or your time. Or, post a comment with your own favorite charity and I will add it to the list.
Happy Thanksgiving!
This holiday season, please remember its not the material things that matter. This year, with so many people struggling, be thankful for what you have and give what you can to those who don't.
We are teaching Mini Me the importance of the holiday season by having her pick a couple of her Christmas presents to donate to Toys for Tots. There are many ways to help the cause besides giving toys, so please check out their website.
I'll be posting a list of some of our favorite charities on the right. Hopefully, someone who reads this will be inspired to at least visit the site and consider contributing, be it an item, money or your time. Or, post a comment with your own favorite charity and I will add it to the list.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hey! How'd I do that?
A few weeks ago, Little Sister rolled over. It was a complete fluke, I'm sure.
However, she just rolled from tummy to back in a semi coordinated motion. She was completely on her tummy and pushed herself up and over onto her side before I could grab the camera. But, I caught the second half of her roll:
However, she just rolled from tummy to back in a semi coordinated motion. She was completely on her tummy and pushed herself up and over onto her side before I could grab the camera. But, I caught the second half of her roll:
Here is another attempt a few days later:
Friday, November 20, 2009
B-I-N-G-Oh, NO!
Note about the title: I'm desperately trying to make this story not nearly as terrifying as it really feels. Hubby says we'll laugh about this in 10 years, but at the moment, I see NOTHING remotely funny about it.
As some of you may know, my two biggest fears when it comes to my kids' lives are choking and drowning. In fact, I am so afraid of choking, that when Mini Me started eating solid foods, I routinely cut blueberries into 8 pieces. And, I even cut a few large ones into 16 pieces. Yes, you read that right. I cut a single blueberry in 16 pieces. (Borderline neurotic? Yup. )
Last night, Little Sister was in her bouncy seat and Mini Me was sitting next to her. This past week, Mini Me has been much better with Little Sister and they seem to be enjoying each other. So, Mini Me was talking to her and playing. She even wiped Little Sisters mouth when she spit up. I was standing about 2 feet away, facing them (because Mini Me can still be a little rough even with the hugs) folding laundry.
I see Mini Me trying to put something in Little Sisters mouth. At first, I assume it was the paci, but as I'm watching, I realize there's no paci in Mini Me's hand. I dove towards them and pulled Mini Me away only to find 2 of these little plastic bingo discs in Little Sister's mouth.
Now, I know that Mini Me has no idea how dangerous that was, but OMG! I was completely terrified. So, that particular game found it's way to the trash and all other games/toys with pieces that are really small are in the closet and can only come out fully supervised. Thankfully, Little Sister didn't even seem to notice there was anything in her mouth. She hadn't gagged or choked, so I think I got to her in time. There's still a lingering thought in my mind that she has swallowed one. How will I know?
And, of course, in the middle of the night, Little Sister starts coughing and my heart almost stopped for a second time because I was then convinced she had swallowed one. But, as it turns out, she sounds like she has a stuffy nose, and I think she's just not feeling well. The timing was kind of suspect though, so I'm still watching her closely for any signs of distress.
What a start to the weekend!
As some of you may know, my two biggest fears when it comes to my kids' lives are choking and drowning. In fact, I am so afraid of choking, that when Mini Me started eating solid foods, I routinely cut blueberries into 8 pieces. And, I even cut a few large ones into 16 pieces. Yes, you read that right. I cut a single blueberry in 16 pieces. (Borderline neurotic? Yup. )
Last night, Little Sister was in her bouncy seat and Mini Me was sitting next to her. This past week, Mini Me has been much better with Little Sister and they seem to be enjoying each other. So, Mini Me was talking to her and playing. She even wiped Little Sisters mouth when she spit up. I was standing about 2 feet away, facing them (because Mini Me can still be a little rough even with the hugs) folding laundry.
I see Mini Me trying to put something in Little Sisters mouth. At first, I assume it was the paci, but as I'm watching, I realize there's no paci in Mini Me's hand. I dove towards them and pulled Mini Me away only to find 2 of these little plastic bingo discs in Little Sister's mouth.
Now, I know that Mini Me has no idea how dangerous that was, but OMG! I was completely terrified. So, that particular game found it's way to the trash and all other games/toys with pieces that are really small are in the closet and can only come out fully supervised. Thankfully, Little Sister didn't even seem to notice there was anything in her mouth. She hadn't gagged or choked, so I think I got to her in time. There's still a lingering thought in my mind that she has swallowed one. How will I know?
And, of course, in the middle of the night, Little Sister starts coughing and my heart almost stopped for a second time because I was then convinced she had swallowed one. But, as it turns out, she sounds like she has a stuffy nose, and I think she's just not feeling well. The timing was kind of suspect though, so I'm still watching her closely for any signs of distress.
What a start to the weekend!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
And we have...
As in real, true smiles! I'll try to catch a pic of it soon.
As in real, true smiles! I'll try to catch a pic of it soon.
Breast vs Bottle: Round 2
So, I have another breast vs bottle rant that came out of the pedi appt last night. Now, because it was the after hours urgent care, Little Sister just saw whatever doc in the practice drew the short end of the stick and was working last night. I'm almost certain he has a medical degree (see previous post).
As you all know by now, I exclusively pump for the baby. I won't repeat the whole story, but just suffice it to say that she gets only breastmilk for all her feedings in a bottle. Now you are up to speed in case you haven't read any previous posts. Here's the scene from last night.
I'm waiting in the exam room and little sister is fussy. I'm trying to offer her a bottle. In comes the doctor. Let's call him Dr. Dolittle, because really that's what he did.
We chat for a few minutes about her symptoms and why I brought her in. He seemed to have notes on this little cheat sheet/index card that the nurse must have written down for him. OK. So, he's listening to my story of what's been going on the past couple of days and I'm telling him about how she's been acting like she's hungry, but when presented with the bottle, she takes a few sips, but is more comfort sucking and just getting milk by accident and taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to take the bottle. But, that I keep offering it and she has generally taken her her normal amount of ounces and explain her other symptoms.
Here's the convo that followed two seconds later:
Dr. Dolittle: What type of formula is she on?
Me: None, she only gets breastmilk.
Dr. Dolittle: Oh. Really? OK, so you don't really know how much she's getting.
Me: Confused look (since I *just* told him she had taken her normal amount of ounces)
Dr. Dolittle: Well, I assume she's on the breast at home.
Me: Nope, just get's bottles.
Dr. Dolittle: Really? Oh, ok. So, are you supplementing with formula?
Me: No. Just breastmilk.
Dr. Dolittle: OK, well let me take a look....
Blah, blah, blah and the exam ensued.
So, of course because he saw me feeding her a bottle, he assumed it was formula. OK. Then made the assumption that because she get's breastmilk, that she's actually breast-fed. I never really realized how many assumptions are made about this. And, really, by 7pm last night, I was in no mood to explain to him why my baby gets breastmilk in a bottle. It really doesn't matter.
The assumptions just bug me, I don't know why.
Actually, maybe it was just because he clearly wasn't really listening to what I had said. I told him she had taken her regular number of ounces (I don't know many moms who feed from the breast that can discuss ounces.) and after his first questions about formula, I clearly said that she only gets breastmilk. Do you really need to question me about it again? It's not classified information or anything. If she had any formula in recent weeks, I'd tell you. I want her to feel better and I'll give you every shred of info I can if it leads to an answer.
It's situations like this that worry me. Do some people really place the 'status' of exclusively breastfeeding over the well-being of their child? Is there really a mom out there that is so wrapped up in maintaining the appearance of ebf that she would lie about giving formula to her sick child's pediatrician???? I really hope not, but I fear that I may be wrong.
As you all know by now, I exclusively pump for the baby. I won't repeat the whole story, but just suffice it to say that she gets only breastmilk for all her feedings in a bottle. Now you are up to speed in case you haven't read any previous posts. Here's the scene from last night.
I'm waiting in the exam room and little sister is fussy. I'm trying to offer her a bottle. In comes the doctor. Let's call him Dr. Dolittle, because really that's what he did.
We chat for a few minutes about her symptoms and why I brought her in. He seemed to have notes on this little cheat sheet/index card that the nurse must have written down for him. OK. So, he's listening to my story of what's been going on the past couple of days and I'm telling him about how she's been acting like she's hungry, but when presented with the bottle, she takes a few sips, but is more comfort sucking and just getting milk by accident and taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to take the bottle. But, that I keep offering it and she has generally taken her her normal amount of ounces and explain her other symptoms.
Here's the convo that followed two seconds later:
Dr. Dolittle: What type of formula is she on?
Me: None, she only gets breastmilk.
Dr. Dolittle: Oh. Really? OK, so you don't really know how much she's getting.
Me: Confused look (since I *just* told him she had taken her normal amount of ounces)
Dr. Dolittle: Well, I assume she's on the breast at home.
Me: Nope, just get's bottles.
Dr. Dolittle: Really? Oh, ok. So, are you supplementing with formula?
Me: No. Just breastmilk.
Dr. Dolittle: OK, well let me take a look....
Blah, blah, blah and the exam ensued.
So, of course because he saw me feeding her a bottle, he assumed it was formula. OK. Then made the assumption that because she get's breastmilk, that she's actually breast-fed. I never really realized how many assumptions are made about this. And, really, by 7pm last night, I was in no mood to explain to him why my baby gets breastmilk in a bottle. It really doesn't matter.
The assumptions just bug me, I don't know why.
Actually, maybe it was just because he clearly wasn't really listening to what I had said. I told him she had taken her regular number of ounces (I don't know many moms who feed from the breast that can discuss ounces.) and after his first questions about formula, I clearly said that she only gets breastmilk. Do you really need to question me about it again? It's not classified information or anything. If she had any formula in recent weeks, I'd tell you. I want her to feel better and I'll give you every shred of info I can if it leads to an answer.
It's situations like this that worry me. Do some people really place the 'status' of exclusively breastfeeding over the well-being of their child? Is there really a mom out there that is so wrapped up in maintaining the appearance of ebf that she would lie about giving formula to her sick child's pediatrician???? I really hope not, but I fear that I may be wrong.
Tummy Troubles
Poor Little Sister. She's not feeling well and I ended up taking her in to the pediatrician last night. Thankfully (I guess) she doesn't have an ear infection, but he also wasn't 100% sure what was wrong with her. He thinks its just a stomach bug and that she should get better in a few days. Glad he went to medical school...I would have never been able to decide on the "watch & wait" approach on my own. ::eye roll::
Anyway, if any useful information came out of the appointment, it's that she is 9 pounds, 5 ounces.
Oh, yeah. And his "back up" guess as to what is wrong? That she has developed a dairy allergy. Which would mean I would have to cut out ALL traces of dairy in my diet.
Anyway, if any useful information came out of the appointment, it's that she is 9 pounds, 5 ounces.
Oh, yeah. And his "back up" guess as to what is wrong? That she has developed a dairy allergy. Which would mean I would have to cut out ALL traces of dairy in my diet.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
More pics from the photo shoot
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