Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 1

It's been quite a week leading up to this trip. Both kids have had 2 rounds of the stomach bug and we all are in various stages of a cold.

But, we are powering through. The girls went to bed a bit early with no problem so that hubby could get some sleep. We were out the door just before midnight.

The girls are having a bit of trouble settling down, but an hour into the trip and they are starting to drift off. We managed to get some sleep after we stopped for gas and made it through NY before rush hour. Currently 5am and we are in NJ. Only 8.5 hours more until our planned stop.

We made it to our planned stop before 2pm, so we decided to keep going. Of course, just after that it was back to back issues with both kids and we were thinking that we should have stopped. But we persisted to our new goal of Florence SC and were there around 5pm.

We logged a total of 17 hours on the road and about 1000 miles! Tomorrow--on to Disney!

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